utorak, 29. prosinca 2020.

📅 Moćni KALENDAR | Kako postaviti Planove i CILJEVE za Novu Godinu

📅 Moćni KALENDAR | Kako postaviti Planove i CILJEVE za Novu Godinu

Svima treba dobar kalendar da bi si mogli isplanirati godinu i napraviti planove za život! Moćni KALENDAR je nešto što ja koristim yadnje 3 godine da bih se bolje organizirao i isplanirao si godinu U ovom vidu ću pričati o tome kako da si napravite moćni kalendar koji će vam biti praktičniji i pregledniji od uobičajenih kalendara. Vrlo je jednostavno za napraviti, treba vam 4 lista papira i nešto s čime će te ga pričvrstiti za zid. Najbitniji dio tog procesa je zapravo napraviti plan i pregled godine. CILJEVI za novu godinu su esencijalni da bi se fokusirali na ono što želite postići i brojna istraživanja su pokazala da kada si zadate ciljeve za godinu da će te vjerojatno postići većinu. Nova godina se bliži i teško je znati sve unaprijed ali čim si isplanirate cijelu godinu bit će vam puno lakše organizirati se oko svega. Ja preporučam da si upišete CILJ koji želite ostvariti i onda ga rastavite na manje komade tj korake i vremenski rok u kojem želite postići te ciljeve. Ovaj video sam napravio sa željom da pomognem ljudima da se bolje organiziraju i postignu što više ciljeva u sljedećoj godini. 2020 je bila posebna po puno toga a nadams e da će 2021 godina biti puno uspješnija za sve #uspjehuzivotu #mocnikalendar #ciljevi Hvala ti što gledaš moje videe; ja sam Borna i preselio sam se u Irsku krajem 2018 sa idejom da si unaprijedim karijeru i dignem život na novu razinu i u 2019 sam počeo raditi ovaj YouTube kanal gdje pričam o mojim dojmovima o Irskoj i kako unaprijediti karijeru i mindset. Borna Zuber na društvenim mrežama slobodno se povežite: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuber_borna/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borna-zuber-98042a46/ Ja inače radim puno vida o Irskoj pa ako vas to zanima bacite pogled na ovu plazlistu: Život u Irskoj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIKAZQGzRLU&list=PLdlAxsWfEVwk35GLSyNV9vpsF13SI62-5&ab_channel=BornaZuber A ako vas interesira Uspjeh u životu i radite na sebi i vjerujete da će te kroz osobni razvoj ili ti personal Development postići više u životu onda je ovo Plazlista za tebe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIKAZQGzRLU&list=PLdlAxsWfEVwl65ApNX4OpEYHeyXjG2ipw&ab_channel=BornaZuber Bitno je znati kako pravilo koristiti vrijeme i fokus i energiju koju imamo I evo sretan sam što mogu s vama podijeliti da sam od zadnjeg lockdowna radio na svoje 2 nova YouTube kanala 🎙UNCLE GOLD PODCAST: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8d6fvEq3C8NRx-a30ofsg I za one koji ne vole interviewe duljeg formata napravio sam kanal samo sa najboljim isječcima: 🎞Uncle Gold Podcast CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz586M5z9keDabVkVNNQw Moj podcast je i na Spotify-u: https://open.spotify.com/show/3M0qkHsYhmgHEweaux2g9r

ponedjeljak, 21. prosinca 2020.

010 Borna Zuber & Jan de Jong | THE DIGITAL NOMAD VISA


010 Borna Zuber & Jan de Jong | THE DIGITAL NOMAD VISA

The Digital Nomad Visa in Croatia started as an open letter by Jan de Jong to the Croatian government and after his meeting with the prime minister Jans proposal got accepted and the Digital Nomad Visa in Croatia is now in process and will be implemented in 2021 Jan de Jong is a Croatian entrepreneur, he moved from the Netherlands 20 years ago to Croatia and has a great vision for Croatia and the business landscape. The Croatian economy depends a lot on tourism but Jan hops to change that in the future. He started the company Meritus Plus and scaled it to be a 1000 employee call center, the biggest in Croatia. After he made a successful exit he co-founded Webpower Adria from the Webpower Group a successful international Email marketing company. Follow Jan de Jong on Linkedin as he is actively using it to share his ideas and mindset almost daily on Linkedin and believes in the value of Social Media: Jand de Jong on Linkedin👔: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-de-jong-adria/?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAABzJ6sBQeVqPfumFaqpl6g78HXBy4YHSAk Right now he is the President of the Digital Nomad Association Croatia and in this podcast, with Jan de Jong we talk about Entrepreneurship in Croatia and the Entrepreneurial mindset. I asked Jan how his journey started and how he thinks about topics like leadership, building the right mindset, positivity, the role money plays, leaving your comfort zone and learning to improve yourself. Borna Zuber- Hi I'm Borna, host of the Uncle Gold Podcast - I moved from Croatia to Ireland end of 2018, and since 2019 have been creating Youtube videos for my other channel. But in 2020 I decided to start this podcast to bring on guests to talk more about the success mindset and interesting and cool topics on how to improve your life. Borna Zuber on Social Media: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borna-zuber-98042a46/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuber_borna/ When I talked to Jan de Jong about the Digital Nomad Visa I learned a lot from him and I love his perspective about how it will affect Croatia and the Economy. Freelance workers in Croatia now have the option to spend up to 3 months with the tourist visa but the Digital Nomad Visa in Croatia will enable them to spend up to a year in Croatia and work remotely. Jan has a great attitude towards working hard and he enjoys building businesses and I recommend you watching this podcast to learn a lot from his tips and experiences. He said he is at his best when times get tough and that no one is going to change your life for you unless you do. Right now Jan is starting his new business where he will focus on revitalizing Croatia's agricultural landscape with his new company CROP by bringing in modern technologies from the Netherlands that will be implemented in growing tomatoes.🍅 The potential in Croatia is huge and it can grow so much more and I wish Jan and his companies and projects a lot of success in his future endeavors. If you missed the LAST PODCAST episode nr 009 with Stjepan Mijo Mijic about: 🕹 The rise of ESports and the Gaming industry click here: https://youtu.be/PTkvJukFlzA If you are more interested in technology and topics like that have a look at the 3rd episode I did with my colleague Brendan Caulfield and the company that will take us to space: https://youtu.be/Y0jiGkAH-pE Or have a look at the MOST WATCHED EPISODE 🥇 on the Uncle Gold Podcast up till now that I made with Alexandra Bozic about building her own marketing company and the Official Kerry App https://youtu.be/q7km-Ya3irw ♥️ To support the Uncle Gold Podcast got o the YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE to get all the videos when they come out. And if you want the best snippets from each podcast from the Uncle Gold Channel got to the sister channel called Uncle Gold Podcast CLIPS🎞 where you can get hundreds of clips with the best parts from each episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz586M5z9keDabVkVNNQw Feel free to follow Stjepan Mijo Mijc on his Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/stjepan.mio/ He is the main editor 👨‍💻 of this podcast so leave us a comment on how you liked these new frames around the pictures. Thank you for watching and listening and we will see you in the next episode!

subota, 19. prosinca 2020.

009 Borna Zuber & Stjepan Mijo Mijć | Rise of ESPORTS

009 Borna Zuber & Stjepan Mijo Mijć - Rise of ESports

In this episode of the Uncle Gold Podcast I am talking to Stjepan Mijo Mijić about the rising Esports and gaming industry. Stjepan is a Twitch streamer who moved from Croatia to Germany and is currently building out his YouTube channel and Twitch Stream audience. We worked together for a while a few years ago and became friends right away and through this entire time, we had a lot of things in common, like Gaming. Stjepan mainly focuses on League of Legends and is currently working on increasing his rank in the League and on this podcast episode we talk a lot about the rise of gaming in the world and some of the highlights in the gaming and Esports industry. we go into topics like how much do pro gamers earn on a tournament and how gaming houses work. If you don't play yourself I am sure you noticed that a majority of people are playing some kind of games either single-player or online multiplayer games. But have you thought about how much the industry has grown in the last few years and how it impacted the whole economy. There are so many people that live and breathe this and I hope that through this episode you will learn a lot about the industry and if you are a gamer yourself let us know which game are you currently playing or thinking about playing in the future? Feel free to follow Stjepan on his Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/stjepan.mio/ He is also the main editor of this podcast so leave us a comment on how you liked these new frames around the pictures. To support the Uncle Gold Podcast got o the YouTube channel and subscribe to get all the videos when they come out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8d6fvEq3C8NRx-a30ofsg?view_as=subscriber And if you want the best snippets from each podcast from the Uncle Gold Channel got to the sister channel called Uncle Gold Podcast CLIPS where you can get hundreds of clips with the best parts from each episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz586M5z9keDabVkVNNQw Thank you for watching and listening and we will see you in the next episode!

srijeda, 16. prosinca 2020.

🏦 Kako Dobiti POSAO u IRSKOJ ☘️ 7 Koraka do Posla u Irskoj

VID 270

🏦 Kako Dobiti POSAO u IRSKOJ ☘️ 7 Koraka do Posla u Irskoj

Kako dobiti POSAO u IRSKOJ je veliko pitanje I u ovom videu ćemo proći kroz 7 glavnih točaka o tome kako najbrže doći do posla u Irskoj. Raditi u Irskoj i izgraditi karijeru u Irskoj mora početi od traženja posla u Irskoj i ovih 7 savjeta će vam pomoči brže naći posao i započeti vašu karijeru.

Pozdrav i hvala ti što gledaš moje videe; ja sam Borna i preselio sam se u Irsku krajem 2018 sa idejom da si unaprijedim karijeru i dignem život na novu razinu i u 2019 sam počeo raditi ovaj YouTube kanal gdje pričam o mojim dojmovima o Irskoj i kako unaprijediti karijeru i mindset. Borna Zuber na društvenim mrežama slobodno se povežite: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuber_borna/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borna-zuber-98042a46/

Ovjde je popis tema iz ovog videa: 00:00 Intro 02:00 Koliko je bitno znati Engleski za posao? 04:03 Pripremite DOKUMENTE za posao 05:13 Dobar CV- Uredite si ŽIVOTOPIS 08:44 Tip 1- Posjetite INTREO Ured za posao 10:04 Tip 2- Provjerite lokalne NOVINE 11:27 Tip 3- INTERNET STRANICE za Poslove u Irskoj 16:42 -PRO Tip 19:36 Tip 4- PREPORUKA i Networking 22:34 Tip 5- LOKACIJA 26:02 Tip 6- SEKTORI 27:53 Tip 7-AGENCIJE za RECRUITMENT Ako vam se svidio ovaj video bacite pogled na ove videe koji su vezani za IRSKU ☘️☘️☘️SVETO TROJSTVO PRESELJENJA U IRSKU: 3 najbitnije stvari vezane za Preseljenje u Irsku: https://youtu.be/IyAq_YJHQcY I naravno 🏡NEKRETNINE u Irskoj- cijene smještaja u Dublinu i ostatku Irske https://youtu.be/yGcMUZWCqq8

Za one koji razmišljaju o preseljenju ovdje je i video koji priča o tome: IRSKA 27☘️Jel Pametno PRESELITI se u Irsku za vrijeme Lockdowna i koji POSLOVI se traže? https://youtu.be/kK8o05mtd68 Ako želite gledati još videa o Irskoj bacite pogled na Playlistu sa videima iz IRSKE: Život izvan Hrvatske: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdlAxsWfEVwk35GLSyNV9vpsF13SI62-5

Bitno je znati kako pravilo koristiti vrijeme i fokus i energiju koju imamo I evo sretan sam što mogu s vama podijeliti da sam od zadnjeg lockdowna radio na svoje 2 nova YouTube kanala 🎙UNCLE GOLD PODCAST: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8d6fvEq3C8NRx-a30ofsg I za one koji ne vole interviewe duljeg formata napravio sam kanal samo sa najboljim isječcima: 🎞Uncle Gold Podcast CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz586M5z9keDabVkVNNQw Moj podcast i na Spotify-u https://open.spotify.com/show/3M0qkHsYhmgHEweaux2g9r #irksa #ppsbroj #zivotuirskoj

https://youtu.be/inRYZ8d4d3Q IRSKA 4 Ekonomija, Turizam, Dublin i Poslovi u Irskoj https://youtu.be/syVrUbtUVOM IRSKA 13 Nekretnine u Irskoj: https://youtu.be/tt_bwXMni1o I naravno zahvale mom PRO editoru Stjepanu, ako vam se svidjelo editiranje videa zapratite Stjepana na Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stjepan.mio/

nedjelja, 6. prosinca 2020.

008 Borna Zuber & Olivier Simonnet | Personal Development Coaching

Link to the YouTube Channel of the Uncle Gold Podcast


UNCLE GOLD PODCAST 008 Borna Zuber & Olivier Simonnet | Personal Development Coaching Olivier Simonnet became a dear friend of mine when we met at a Personal Development conference and we shared a passion for working on ourselves, our mindset, and our results. Olivier has done a great deal of self-improvement and soul searching so he can share a lot of information on this topic and he is starting his coaching business right now to help other people achieve their goals and dreams. I talked to Olivier about how his journey started, about useful tips for people who are just starting with their self-development journeys, about his daily routine to keep his energy high. One of the topics was also money and how to acquire wealth in life and Olivier shared some of his tips he learned from Warren Buffet and some of the books that helped him cultivate a great mindset and attitude that allows him to be at his best every day. His website for coaching will be available soon until then if you want to reach out to Olivier feel free to contact him on the links below: Olivier on Social Media Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/oliviersi... Instagram https://www.instagram.com/oliviersim25/ Borna Zuber- Hi I'm Borna, host of the Uncle Gold Podcast - I moved from Croatia to Ireland end of 2018, and since 2019 have been creating Youtube videos for my other channel. But in 2020 I decided to start this podcast to bring on guests to talk more about the success mindset and interesting and cool topics on how to improve your life. Borna Zuber on Social Media: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borna-zub... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuber_borna/ TOPICS in Episode 008 with Olivier Simonnet: 00:00 Intro 03:29 Opportunities are all around us 17:09 Self Development journey (UPW) 22:22 Becoming a coach 27:00 Benefits of working on yourself 38:00 Where to start with Self Development 42:00 Money 48:00 Leaders are readers 59:00 Social Media for Business 1:04:25 Sales 1:09:00 Importance of setting GOALS 1:19:30 Daily Routine and Energy 1:29:00 Creating wealth 1:44:00 The Secret The Sister Channel to the Uncle Gold Podcast where you can get all the best parts of each Podcast Uncle Gold CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz... Borna Zuber (Croatian Channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJA... Episode recorded on Rode NT-USB Microphone: https://amzn.to/38lGoBm If you are looking to enhance your YouTube Experience and see all the stats install the Chrome extension TubeBuddy for FREE now: TubeBuddy https://www.tubebuddy.com/BORNATUBERS #UncleGoldPodcast #coaching #personaldevelopment

utorak, 24. studenoga 2020.

2 GODINE u IRSKOJ☘️☘️ Dojmovi o životu u Irskoj | Usporedba od početka d...

VID 266

2 GODINE u IRSKOJ☘️☘️ Dojmovi o životu u Irskoj | Usporedba od početka do sada

Živim već 2 godine u Irskoj, preselio sam se ovdje radi posla i karijere i u ovm videu vam želim ispričat moje dojmove o tome kako gleam na Irsku sada u usporedbi sa dojmovima na početku kad sam se tek preselio u Irsku Borna Zuber na društvenim mrežama slobodno se povežite: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuber_borna/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borna-zub... Neadvno sam napravio video o tome kako se bliži datum od 2 godine u Irskoj pa možete njega pogledati za uvod. Uskoro 2 Godine u Irskoj 🤔☘️Moji Dojmovi o Irskoj za sada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuzWX... Za one koji razmišljaju o preseljenju ovdje je i video koji priča o tome: IRSKA 27☘️Jel Pametno PRESELITI se u Irsku za vrijeme Lockdowna i koji POSLOVI se traže? https://youtu.be/kK8o05mtd68 Ako želite gledati još videa o Irskoj bacite pogled na Playlistu sa videima iz IRSKE: Život izvan Hrvatske: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Ovjde je i pregled tema u ovom videu: 00:00 Intro 01:03 Zašto sam se preselio u Irsku? 04:20 Usporedba i prvi dojmovi o Irskoj 06:56 Hrana i kuhanje 09:14 Priroda u Irskoj 11:44 Financijski sistem 14:30 Plaće u Irskoj 17:15 Poljoprivreda 20:30 Karakter Iraca Bitno je znati kako pravilo koristiti vrijeme i fokus i energiju koju imamo I evo sretan sam što mogu s vama podijeliti da sam od zadnjeg lockdowna radio na svoje 2 nova YouTube kanala 🎙UNCLE GOLD PODCAST: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8d... I za one koji ne vole interviewe duljeg formata napravio sam kanal samo sa najboljim isječcima: 🎞Uncle Gold Podcast CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz... Moj podcast i na Spotify-u https://open.spotify.com/show/3M0qkHs... #irksa #bornazuber #zivotuirskoj ☘️NAJPOPULARNIJI VIDEI O IRSKOJ: IRSKA 1 Moji Dojmovi o Irskoj: https://youtu.be/inRYZ8d4d3Q IRSKA 4 Ekonomija, Turizam, Dublin i Poslovi u Irskoj https://youtu.be/syVrUbtUVOM IRSKA 13 Nekretnine u Irskoj: https://youtu.be/tt_bwXMni1o IRSKA 26 - Irska za vrijeme Corona LOCKDOWNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw7xx... I naravno zahvale mom PRO editoru Stjepanu, ako vam se svidjelo editiranje videa zapratite Stjepana na Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stjepan.mio/

subota, 7. studenoga 2020.

005 Borna Zuber & Jonathan Clery | Coaching & Neutral Thinking


005 Borna Zuber & Jonathan Clery | Coaching & Neutral Thinking

UNCLE GOLD PODCAST 005 Borna Zuber & Jonathan Clery | Coaching & Neutral Thinking You probably didn't have the Rich Uncle that thought you how to get the GOLD in life, but through this Podcast, we are going to talk to people who have the right mindset to do so. Jonathan reminded me about how important it is to invest time into your own happiness and Mindset. We met in 2019 and have started talking about personal development, the law of attraction, and coaching and today he is joining me in this podcast and we will talk about the main factors that influence our lives. From Neutral Thinking to working in Sales all the way to hiring a coach this episode of the Uncle Gold Podcast is full of great tips that can help you change your life and switch your perspective from negative to positive.

Jonathan Clery on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonathancle... Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-... Jonathans Website(Kingdom Coaching): https://www.jonathanclery.com/?fbclid... Borna Zuber- Hi I'm Borna, host of the Uncle Gold Podcast - I moved from Croatia to Ireland end of 2018, and since 2019 have been creating youtube videos for my other channel. But in 2020 I decided to start this podcast to bring on guests to talk more about the success mindset and interesting and cool topics on how to improve your life. Borna Zuber on Social Media: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borna-zub... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zuber_borna/ Topics in this podcast with Jonathan Clery: 00:00 Intro 03:00 Go work a sales job 05:50 Self Development and Neutral thinking 11:00 Unfollow People 17:00 Sales 25:00 Social Media 28:00 Morning Routine 34:00 Learn to be by yourself 36:30 Success Hierarchy 38:30 Money 45:00 Hire a coach 51:00 Getting out of your comfort zone 54:15 It's all about the customer If you are heavy into Personal Development and the Success Mindset take a look at the First podcast I ever did with my dear friend Dominik Poljak where we enter the Success mindset and start this Podcast into the self Improvement direction: 001 Borna Zuber & Dominik Poljak - Enter the Success Mindset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXWiw... Podcast Editor: Ivan Blažević Thanks for watching this episode of the podcast If you want to see the main CLIPS from these podcasts go to my third channel: Uncle Gold CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nz... Visit also my First channel- It started as a Tri-Lingual channel but I started doing content only in Croatian on that channel: Borna Zuber (Croatian Channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJA... Episode recorded on Rode NT-USB Microphone: https://amzn.to/38lGoBm #UncleGoldPodcast #Successmindset #Personaldevelopment