subota, 28. ožujka 2020.

EARTHQUAKES in Zagreb | Borna Zuber - 3 Earthquakes hit Zagreb(Croatia) ...

VID 235

EARTHQUAKES in Zagreb | Borna Zuber - 3 Earthquakes hit Zagreb(Croatia) on 22.03.2020.

3 Earthquakes hit Zagreb(Croatia) on 22.03.2020 and in this Video I will show you some pictures of what happened to the people and the city. EARTHQUAKES in Zagreb hit around 6 in the morning and no one was ready for them.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

PREVIOUS Video: First Video in 2020:

Hello everyone, thank you for being here, I wanted to make a video about the earthquakes in Zagreb on 03/22/2020. ie this Sunday.
It really surprised me, we woke up and people texted us, friends and family gave us ok. We immediately contacted people to see what was happening.

Zagreb and the surrounding area were hit by 3 earthquakes Sunday morning.
Earthquakes were at short intervals, the strongest was 5.4 on the Richter scale, which is the strongest earthquake in 140 years in these areas. Nakong first was followed by 2 more earthquakes 5.1 and 3.7 on the Richter scale.

There was a lot of material damage in the city center most from the 3 earthquakes in Zagreb; cars destroyed, roadside bricks collapsed roofs.
One person died and 27 were injured.

The church in Palmoticeva, Peter's Hospital and the cathedral on Main Square were damaged.
The pregnant women from Peter's Hospital had to be evacuated

The military, police, and firefighters were quick to respond to help people, and the citation of the coronavirus and the cold only made the situation worse.

The Crisis Management Office has published MAIL for damage assessment

Meals were organized at three locations in the city, people assisted each other and social media was used to locate people, transfer information, children provided assistance to the elderly and infirm, Bad Blue Boys assisted with the transfer of equipment and transportation of pregnant women to KBC Dubrava and many citizens became involved in repairing the streets and helping others.

To everyone who helped, I take off my hat!
I hope that your property is not damaged and that you are well, I hope that you will not be caught by the coronavirus with these earthquakes in Zagreb.

Geologically, Zagreb is in a bad location because throughout history there have been a number of earthquakes and every now and then there is a slight earthquake in the city.

Earthquakes in Zagreb through History (Wikipedia):

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

Coining the Phrase "Borna Tubers" | Borna Zuber - A Car drive to work wi...

Coining the Phrase "Borna Tubers" | Borna Zuber - A Car drive to work wi...

Coining the Phrase "Borna Tubers" | Borna Zuber - A Car drive to work with Trisha

Coining the Phrase "Borna Tubers" was a very funny way of starting the day. Check out my Car drive to work with Trisha, my colleague from work.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

PREVIOUS Video: My YouTube Journey
NEXT Video: Powerballs + YTC + Success

We have some laughs every morning during the drive and we talk about different stuff and one morning I told my colleague Trisha that I am going to start a YouTube channel. Now that it is up and running I wanted to do a video from the car and it turned out great coz Trisha came up with a great idea for my "fans".

"Borna Tubers" will be a great project one day when I actually get fans and we will look back at this moment and laugh xD

I ama very positive person and love to help people, today Trisha was feeling a bit down so i

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

ponedjeljak, 23. ožujka 2020.

The YouTube Journey | Borna Zuber - Working on My YouTube Channel

VID 53

The YouTube Journey | Borna Zuber - Working on My YouTube Channel

The YouTube Journey started for me in 2019 and I intend to keep going strong and make a lot of Videos on my YouTube Channel!
Right now I am working on the channel every day because I want to see it grow and evolve and here is the journey so far and some insights on where it's going.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

PREVIOUS Video: Basic Fitness Test
NEXT Video: Car Drive to work

The YouTube content creator journey has started i am improving daily and i watch a lot of experienced people how they are doing it. I try to be consistent and post every day for now.
-One of the next steps will be to add a "Home studio" basically a place at home where i will make my videos with a simple background for You Your eyes don't fly all over the place ;)
First VIDEO from HOME:

-And really soon we will add a "Success Section" on my channel and start putting out content that is very useful and leads to changing your lives, learning and achieving more.
My Pathway to Success:

I am looking forward to it and I think that it will be a great journey that we have in-front of us :)

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

nedjelja, 22. ožujka 2020.

Borna Zuber- Pregled tjedna & Planovi za 7 mjesec

VID 52

Borna Zuber- Pregled tjedna & Planovi za 7 mjesec

Utorak je tu motivacijski stav je tu, i u ovom videu se malo bacam u ideju toga što i kako napraviti po pitanju uspjeha. Moj stav o prodaji i klasičnom sales-u je jasan.

Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Ovaj video je dio Vlog serijala CRO VLOG u kojem vam VLOGAM videe na Hrvatskom:

PROŠLI Video - Irska 13- Nekretnine u Irskoj
SLJEDEĆI Video - BIynis u Irskoj

Powerballs-projekt s kojim se igram u slobodno vrijeme mi je jako zabavan i interesantan, sljedeće gdje ću ih probat plasirati je u ured pored našeg, i jednoj poznanici koja ide po sajmovima petkom; pošto nemogu bit tamo radi posla, dat ću njoj da ih prodaje umjesto mene :)

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D

Basic Fitness Test | Borna Zuber - Pushup Pullups Crunches & Squats in t...

VID 51

Basic Fitness Test | Borna Zuber - Pushup Pullups Crunches & Squats in the Park

Hi everyone, here is Basic Fitness Test-I ran the half marathon this weekend and was only doing cardio trainings for the last month and a half so I wanted to take a look at how many squats, push-ups, crunches and pull-ups I can do at once, at what point would it start to hurt?

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

NEXT Video:

Also I want it to be a reference for me for the future so I can track my progress.
Right now I don't have a fitness challenge goal, but I will join a gym again and my first plan is to work on strength training again.

I should also lose some weight ;)

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

Erstes Video in 2020 | Borna Zuber- Anfang des Jahres + Ziele für 2020

VID 233

Erstes Video in 2020 | Borna Zuber- Anfang des Jahres + Ziele für 2020

Das istg mein erstes Video in 2020! Ich habe viele Videos in 2019 gemacht und wollte sie kronologisch rausbringen und bin jetz mit 2019 fertig. I diesem Video bekommt Ihr den Überblick von dem Anfang des Jahres und die Ziele für 2020.

Hallo allezusammen mein Name ist Borna Zuber und ich habe dieses YouTube Channel im 07/2019 gestartet, also ist es noch NEU und deshalb SUBSCRIBTum dieses Channel zu unterstützen und noch mehr coole Videos zu bekommen.

Diese Video ist ein Teil der Deutschen Vlogs die ich auf Deutsch drehe:
Vorhäriges Video: Sonntags Laufen

Es sind schon 3 Monateim Jahr 2020 doch ich hate viele Videos aus 2019 die ich auf YouTube hochladen wollte. Es hat so lange gedauert doch jetzt sind Sie alle da und können angeschaut werden.

Ich hatte viele Pläne für 2020 eins davon war viele Konferenzen zu besuchen, und wir haben schon 2 besucht, das waren Akumakon und Shurikon doch die anderen 2 wurden wegen Coronavirus abgesagt.
wenn sich die Situation beruhight hat werden wir wider auf konferenzen gehen und Videos drüber Videos machen.

Das zewite grosse Ziel für 2020 ist mein YouTube channel zu verbessern und auf 1000 Subscriber zu steigen, 4000 Stunden Watchtime zu sammeln und damit die Monetization Option zu entschlüsseln.

Nochmals vielen dank das Ihr euch meine Videos ansieht. Es bedeutet mir sehr viel, dass Sie hier auf meinem YouTube-Kanal sind.
Auf jeden Fall SUBSKREIBT zu dem Channel, wenn Ihr mehr von meinen Videos sehen wollt! Wirft auch einen Blick auf andere Videos auf meinen YouTube Channel die euch interessieren können, Sie sind in Playlists aufgeteilt.
Wenn Sie mehr lernen möchten bleiben Sie dran weill Wir viele Themen durchgehen werden, natürlich werde ich auch versuchen, so viel wie möglich zu lernen, mich selbst zu verbessern damit die Qualität immer steigt. Eine der Hauptideen des Channels ist es anderen zu helfen also wird es auch nützliche Videos geben die im Leben helfen können.

Pathway to Success Playlist: Der Weg zum Erfolg:
Und natürlich geht es bei YouTube um Menschen, die Zuschauer, die Beziehungen.
Wenn Sie also jemanden kennen, der sich für diese Art von Kanal interessiert, können Sie ihn gerne über mich informieren, das Video speichern und in anderen sozialen Netzwerken posten:

Instagram: zuber_borna

Linkedin: Borna Zuber

Twitter: @BornaZuber

Ich benutze sowohl Snapchat als auch Tik Tok

Und die Steem-Plattform für Mini-Blogs

Ich arbeite noch an meinem BLOG:

Vielen Dank, dass Sie hier sind. Wir sehen uns im folgenden Video :D

subota, 21. ožujka 2020.

First Video in 2020 | Borna Zuber - Start of the year + Plans

VID 232

First Video in 2020 | Borna Zuber - Start of the year + Plans

Finally done with the videos from 2019 and this is the First Video in 2020! I made a lot of videos last year and I wanted to publish them chronologically.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

PREVIOUS Video: Electric Scooters in Berlin

In this video; the first video of 2020 I talk about how the year started, how the first 3 months have been and the conferences I already visited.
I was supposed to visit a few more but they got canceled because of the coronavirus,

2 of them were Anime conferences, the third one was supposed to be Comicon
and the fourth one was supposed to be a Bitcoin conference.
Since the corona Virus slowed everything down our company is now working remotely.
Home-office is something a lot of companies are doing right now, for us it was easy but this coronavirus situation and working from home is just starting.

It ruined my plans a bit but I made a few GOALS for 2020 and visiting conferences was just one of them.

The second goal for this year is to reach monetization on Youtube, which means getting 1000 subscribers on my channel and 4000 hours of watch time in one year.

I look at this as just the start and one of the next videos is going to be the content plan for 2020 so you have an overview of what is to come on this channel.

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

četvrtak, 19. ožujka 2020.

1# VIDEO u 2020 | Borna Zuber - Početak Godine + Planovi

VID 231

1# VIDEO u 2020 | Borna Zuber - Početak Godine + Planovi

1# VIDEO u 2020 je napokon tu! Početak Godine je već u prolazu a ja sam tek sad dostigao objavljivanje videa na YouTube kanalu. Imao sam puno videa iz 2019 koje sam htio obaviti kronološki, ali sad smo tu!

Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Ovaj video je dio Vlog serijala CRO VLOG u kojem vam VLOGAM videe na Hrvatskom:
PROŠLI Video - YouTube Kanal + Nedjeljno Trčanje

U ovom videu ću vam pričati o nekim ciljevima za 2020 i kako je prvih par mjeseci izgledalo.
2 Glavna Cilja za 2020 su:

1.YouTube Kanal-Otključati monetizaciju(1000Subs + 4000 sati gledanja)
2. Konferencije: Otići na što više konferencija u 2020

Bio sam na dvije konferencije do sada:
I trebo sam ići na još 2 konferencije ali su nažalost otkazane radi corona virusa.

Radi toga radimo od doma sada, sve je zatvoreno i sve konferencije i eventi su otkazani.

Jedan od sljedećih videa na mom YouTube kanalu će biti Popis tema tj Plan Videa na YouTube kanalu. Ovo je za sada 1# VIDEO u 2020 tako da priča sa videima tek kreće i bit će još svega na ovom kanalu, tako da se veselim i nadam se da će te pratit priču.

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

petak, 13. ožujka 2020.

IRSKA 13 | Borna Zuber - Nekretnine u Irskoj (Killarney)

IRSKA 13 | Borna Zuber - Nekretnine u Irskoj (Killarney)

VID 50

IRSKA 13 | Borna Zuber - Nekretnine u Irskoj (Killarney)

IRSKA 13- Nekretnine u Irskoj su svima interesantna tema, ovo je 13. video o Irskoj i bacamo malo pogled na to kakve su im NEKRETNINE i gdje Irci žive, kako izgledaju kuće, kako grade i u kakvom su im stanju nekretnine.

Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Ovaj video je dio Vlog serijala "Život Izvan Hrvatske"moji dojmovi o tome kakva je IRSKA:


Malo šećem kroz Killarny na jugozapadu Irske i komentiram im nekretnine, podjelit ću svoje dojmove o Irskoj i njihovom stilu gradnje.
Starija gradnja- je prvo obilježje, pogotovo u Killarneyju, staro je i turiostičko mjesto pa nema novogradnji nego su održali i očuvali svoje stare običaje. Loša strana toga je da bi se neke zgrade trebaal obnoviti već.

Manje kvadrature- Mislim da kod nas su ljudi navikli na veće kvadrature stanova i kuća
Uredili za turiste- Killarney i jako puno drugih mjesta u Irskoj je uređeno za turiste, na prvi dojam je jako atraktivno ali nakon nekog vremena izgleda umjetno.

Izvan centra Killarenya na putu do Tralee-a su odvojene kuće sa malom okućnicom ili velika imanja od poljoprivrednika.

Killarney skroz drugačije izgleda od Tralee-a i ima neki turistički šarm koji privlači puno Amerikanaca, dok je Tralee veći kao mjesto ima puno više prilika za posao u Irskoj, ali je puno jednostavniji i bez kiča.

Bacite uho i oko na video IRSKA 13- Nekretnine u Irskoj (Killarney) | pokazat ću Vam još snimki njihovih kuća i stanova.

A ako te zanima kako inače izgledaju moji dani, baci oko i na moj vlog na Hrvatskom:

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D