petak, 31. siječnja 2020.

Borna Zuber & Brendan Caulfield - Where are we? Our place in SPACE?

VID 208

Borna Zuber & Brendan Caulfield - Where are we? Our place in SPACE?

Brendan Caulfield held a talk about SPACE and where we are in this universe.
His talk gave a great perspective into the vast cosmos and the millions and millions of kilometers separating us from our neighboring stars and planets and all these millions (trillions!) of kilometers fade into insignificance when the vastness of space is revealed to us.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos.

We sat down here in this office to talk about the TALK he did last Friday to direct your attention to what the talk was about and what he wanted to describe about the universe and our place in it. You can watch Brendan's FULL TALK in the Link below:

My dear colleague Brendan Caulfield held his first public speech this Friday 24th of January 2020 in Ballyferriter Village close to Dingle. The so-called "space village" got its name for being one of the locations where the new STAR WARS movie was shot.
In collaboration with the local astronomical society, Cumann Réalteolaíocht corcha Dhuibhne, and An Bord Failte, Brendan held his speech in the Ceann Sibeal Hotel to bring perspective about SPACE and our location between the stars.

Being a huge fan of this topic I enjoyed the talk very much and helped with the filming of the video and I hope you will enjoy the talk too because Brendan put a lot of passion into explaining where everything is and gave a lot of insight into the scale of things regarding space.

The audience asked a lot of questions during the talk and the presentation is enhanced by a program called "Space Engine" that helps depict everything graphically, allowing one to move through space from planet to planet.
Stars, planets, black holes and supernovas, Brendan goes into all of these and in this talk and it seemed like he barely scratched the surface with his knowledge about the universe so I personally hope this will be one of many talks about space and the universe from Brendan Caulfield

You can follow Brendan Caulfield on Twitter under:
and on YouTube at

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the STEEMIT Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

srijeda, 29. siječnja 2020.

Where are we in SPACE ? Brendan Caulfield

VID 207

Where are we in SPACE ? Brendan Caulfield

Brendan Caulfield held a talk about SPACE and where we are in this universe. His talk gave a great perspective into the vast cosmos and the millions and millions of kilometers separating us from our neighboring stars and planets and all these millions of kilometers fade into insignificance when the vastness of space is revealed to us.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos.

My dear colleague Brendan Caulfield held his first public speech this Friday 24th of January 2020 in Ballyferriter Village close to Dingle. The so-called "space village" got its name for being one of the locations where the new STAR WARS movie was shot.
In collaboration with the Irish astronomical association and the local tourist board, Brendan held his speech in the Ceann Sibeal Hotel to bring perspective about SPACE and our location between the stars.

Being a huge fan of this topic I enjoyed the talk very much and helped with the filming of the video and I hope you will enjoy the talk too because Brendan put a lot of passion into explaining where everything is and gave a lot of insight into the scale of things regarding space.

The audience asked a lot of questions during the talk and the presentation is enhanced by a program called "Space Engine" that helps depict everything graphically because it allows one to move through space from planet to planet.
Stars, planets, black holes and supernovas, Brendan goes into all of these and in this talk ist seem like he barely scratched the surface with his knowledge about the universe so I personally hope this will be one of many talks about space and the universe from Brendan Caulfield

You can follow Brendan Caulfield on Twitter under:

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

subota, 25. siječnja 2020.

Walk through a Dublin PARK | Borna Zuber

VID 32

Walk through a Dublin PARK | Borna Zuber

I had a break during work so I grabbed some lunch and went for a Walk through a Dublin PARK close to the office.
Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

It's a beautiful day and lots of people sitting and relaxing enjoying the nature and green environment in the center of Dublin in a small park in the business district. It was a beautiful day and there was no rain which is rare for Ireland.

I liked this neighborhood in Dublin, looks better than the one I visited the last time.
Today I am doing training with my Business Development Manager in the Dublin office and right now I am taking a walk through the park in Dublin and there are so many people from companies, schools, and colleges and the atmosphere was so relaxed and enjoable.

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

IRSKA 7 | Kratki osvrt na Dublin i Irsku - Borna Zuber

IRSKA 7 | Kratki osvrt na Dublin i Irsku - Borna Zuber

IRSKA 7 | Kratki osvrt na Dublin i Irsku - Borna Zuber

Sedmi video iz Irske u ovom serijalu videa o tome kakv je Život u Irskoj
DUBLIN-Prvi video iz Dublina, za one koji su zainteresirani doći tursitički ili u posjetu poznanicima i familiji.

Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber hvala vam što gledate moj YouTube kanal, podosta je novi, pa bacite SUBSCRIBE na kanalu da ga podržite i dobite još novih videa od mene. Hvala :D

Ovaj video je dio Serijala o IRSKOJ (Život izvan Hrvatske):

Danas ću vam pričati o Dublinu, mene je ovdje doveo posao, kratka dvodnevna edukacija sa kolegama iz ureda u Dublinu o prodaji i pregovaranju te osatlim djelovima business developmenta.

U videu iznosim par pogleda na to kakva im je situacija ovdje uIrskoj, koliko je teško nači posao u irskoj i kakvi mi se čine uvjeti.

Doubledecker busevi busevi u pozadini podizu atmosferu, po tome se bas vidi da ste u drugom gradu. Ovo je malo lijepsi kvart od onih u kojima sam do sada bio, tako da mi se ovdje i vise svida.
Posla ima-ljudi stalno nalaze nove prilike, a velike firme otvaraju urede.

Puno prilika ima povuda, vidio sam nekoliko poslovnih zgrada da se trenutno grade, mnoge firme imaju otovrene natječaje za posao i naravno dobivaju puno turista sto im daje odlicnu mogucnost za razvoj ugostiteljstva.
Doći u Dublin je takoder bila i prilika malo reklamirati powerballse kod kolega iz Dublina ,)

U videu iznosim par pogleda na to kakva im je situacija ovdje uIrskoj, koliko je teško nači posao u irskoj i kakvi mi se čine uvjeti.

Doubledecker busevi busevi u pozadini podižu atmosferu, po tome se bas vidi da ste u drugom gradu. Ovo je malo lijepši kvart od onih u kojima sam do sada bio, tako da mi se ovdje i vise svida.
Posla ima-ljudi stalno nalaze nove prilike, velike firme otvaraju urede.

Puno prilika ima povuda, vidio sam nekoliko poslovnih zgrada da se trenutno grade, meoge firme imaju otovrene natjecaje za posao i naravno dobivaju puno turista sto imdaje odlicnu mogucnost za razvijanje ponude i ugostiteljstva.

Naravno ovo je bila i odlična prilika malo reklamirati Powerballse kod kolega u uredu iz Dublina, možda neko i kupi ,)
Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D

četvrtak, 23. siječnja 2020.

Vratili se u Irsku nakon Hrvatske | Borna Zuber - Povratak u Killarney

VID 203

Vratili se u Irsku nakon Hrvatske | Borna Zuber - Povratak u Killarney

I nakon 10 dana godišnjeg vratili smo se u Irsku nakon Hrvatske. Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Uzeli smo si godišnji jer smo morali običi hrpu ljudi, obaviti hrpu stvari i bilo je dosta busy za vrijeme godišnjeg tako da se nismo previše odmarali. Obavili smo rođendan od Deine mame, ja sam postao ujak, podružili smo se na nekoliko fešti i ja sam kanalu dodao novi dio kojem sam se jako veselio; INTERVIEWI:

Planirao sam ih više odraditi ali sam ih uspio 6 komada nagurati u ovih 10 dana godišnjeg uz sve ostalo. Dafinitivno bacite pogled ako vas zanimaju interesantni ljudi i cool projekti.
Za interviewe nisam htio napraviti striktnu strukturu,više sam htio da budu kao opušteni razgovor uz kavu. Punosam naučio i baš mi je bilo drago sjesti se i odraditi te interviewe. Već razmišljam o sljedećim interviewima i projektima za 2020.

Sada smo se vratili u Irsku, kraj 10-og mjeseca je i mi se vraćamo u rutinu sa kuhanjem i treniranjem, posao i editiranje videa.

Sljedeće u planu su mi 2 konferencije u 11. mjesecu
Jedna u Dublinu
Jedna u Berlinu

Ali do te priče ćemo doć u jednom drugom videu

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D

srijeda, 22. siječnja 2020.

Train to Dublin | Borna Zuber - Business Development Training

VID 30

Train to Dublin | Borna Zuber - Business Development Training

Right now I am waiting for a Train to Dublin, I'm to a Training in Dublin on Business Development with my colleague from the Dublin office.
Motivation is the energy that gets You started, I slept like 4 hours before this trip I was so excited, I spent 3,5 hours making Powerballs for my colleagues in the Dublin office.

I'm working on a side project that I believe in, protein balls-so long story short I started making them, they are awesome and I wanted to make as many people try them so I can get more feedback and to spread the idea.

The idea is to sell them as a side business that can grow.
But that is just a side thing, for now, the main thing here is the BD education in business development. My colleague has a lot of experience with these things and has some great results so I would like to use the opportunity and learn everything I can about Business Development in this Business Development Training

--I am looking forward to everything that I'm going to learn. :D

When I get back we have a Meeting on Friday going through everything that happened during my visit to Dublin.

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

Business Development Training in Dublin | Borna Zuber

VID 29

Business Development Training in Dublin | Borna Zuber

Hi everyone, the weeks started, its Monday and its time to start the day and the week. I'm looking forward to it unlike many people, i have big plans and am trying to live life on my terms.

So far it works and i am succeeding in my plans.
We have great weather this last 2 months in Ireland, the summer will be warm and enjoyable.
First on my list is going to Dublin, training in Business development
Start working on changing things in life if you are not satisfied or if You have goals that You want to reach.
I think that expanding Your knowledge and learning about stuff might help You stear Your life in the direction You want all together easier.

--One of the steps in achieving my goals is to run the Run Killarney half-marathon this weekend.

---I am looking forward to it and i am going into a new week motivated! :D

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

Borna Zuber-Croatian friend in Killarney+Plans for the week

VID 28

Borna Zuber-Croatian friend in Killarney+Plans for the

everyone, its Sunday and I'm going to meet a friend from Croatia for Coffee
here in Killarney. We are going to sit somewhere outside because we have such
great weather these days here in Ireland that it would be a shame to miss it.

On Tuesday
I am going for a Trip to Dublin for my BD training and I'm going to see all the
other colleagues from the other office. I'm going to be 2 days there and on
arrival, I'm going to bring them a batch of my POWERBALLS. Now I sent them an
email but I don't think they know what I'm actually preparing coz they haven't
seen them on LinkedIn
I hope they
will like them, the idea is to get some of them to buy coz I want to earn some
money on the side and later transition it to a business.

I am also
preparing for the Run Killarney half marathon on Saturday. the scenery will be
great so I will try to do some pictures for You guys along the way.

The week is
starting I hope You are prepared if not star preparing it's never too late ;)

Thanks for
watching, click the like button, comment so I get Your opinion or questions,
share the video with the people that might find it useful, subscribe if You
want to get videos regularly and hit the (bell) notification button if You want
to get notified as soon as a new video comes out.

again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on
my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story
will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in
some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free
to leave in the comments.

If you are interested
in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn
as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel
is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to
look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of
course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be
interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the
video and feel free to post me on other social networks:


Borna Zuber


I use both
Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the
Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

Under Construction):

Thank you
all for being here, see you in the following video: D

ponedjeljak, 20. siječnja 2020.

Borna Zuber- Going for a RUN + Trip to Dublin

Borna Zuber- Going for a RUN + Trip to Dublin

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019. It’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos.

In this video I'm going for a morning Sunday run, still preparing for the half-marathon, running almost every day.
In a few days, I'm going to the Dublin office for some business development training.

I've been there once and met most of them, but this time I'm bringing in some sweet surprises. I don't think anyone is expecting me to bring a whole batch of Powerballs to Dublin and give them to people to try out.
Powerballs are my protein balls that I started selling in Killarney:

Looking forward to the training, looking forward to the trip, to bringing the Powerballs, to seeing everyone and learning all these new things from my colleague in Business Development.

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

Commute TIME | How to use Your Travel Time Better - Borna Zuber

Commute TIME | How to use Your Travel Time Better - Borna Zuber

Wanted to save some time on Your commute? Are You improving Yourself?
Do you have a feeling that you are wasting TIME during your COMMUTE?

Well, I would recommend listening to AUDIOBOOKS as one of the main ways to improve your commute time.

Not only does it save You time but it makes You smarter and gets You the information that You usually don't have the time to gather.

A book might change your life, it might solve a problem for You, it's like a gym for the mind, and if You don't like reading the traditional way as I do, then audio-books are the way to go.
Personally, I am an Audio type of personality and i never really liked reading as much I liked listening to Audiobooks and I have a feeling that during the last 10 years all the YouTube videos and Audiobooks I consumed helped me change my life and I hope it will change yours.

Thanks for listening and I hope this simple tip can change your life, find the things You are interested in, and make a habit of listening to audio-books while commuting every day.

As Tony Robbins would say it; turn Your car into a university on wheels :)

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

The Rain in Ireland | Borna Zuber - YouTube Playlists & Pathway to Success

VID 25

The Rain in Ireland | Borna Zuber - YouTube Playlists & Pathway to Success

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber I started this Youtube channel in July 2019 so it's really new and I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support this channel to get more cool videos from me.

Another video is here, I go into analyzing my YouTube channel, there is a "Life outside of Croatia" section with videos in Croatian. I created a playlist just for that so people could get more information on how life in Ireland is.
The next expansion will go towards success and self-improvement in the playlist "Pathway to Success" :

My Pathway to success sounds great to me, I love how it sounds, I'm still developing my path and I will still have to put in a lot of work to get to where I want to get. But already I have learned a lot and am thankful to YouTube for making all this content available to me-that really changed my life :)

I hope this channel will provide You with a lot of VALUE and a lot of information and I honestly hope You will also start taking steps towards improving your life.

Thanks for watching and listening-I wish You all the best in life

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D