subota, 29. veljače 2020.

Tomorrow's Half Marathon | Borna Zuber - Plans for weekend

VID 41

Tomorrow's Half Marathon |
Borna Zuber - Plans for weekend

again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on
my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story
will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in
some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free
to leave in the comments.

If you are
interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I
try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of
the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely
recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of
course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be
interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the
video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both
Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the
Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you
all for being here, see you in the following video: D

četvrtak, 27. veljače 2020.

IRSKA 12 | Borna Zuber- Htio sam Vam pokazati Irsku KIŠU ali ima Irska i...

VID 40

IRSKA 12 | Borna Zuber- Htio sam Vam pokazati Irsku KIŠU ali ima Irska i SUNCE

Sutra je Killarney polu Maraton pa sam vam htio pokazati Irsku KIŠU, ali ima Irska i SUNCE.
Krasno je vrijeme što je rijetkost jer se vrijeme brzo promjeni, ali preko ljeta ima Irska i sunce, nije samo kiša kao što kažu. Ima čak i dana kada se promjene 4 godišnja doba u jednom danu. Nisam vjerovao dok nisam vidio.

Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Ovaj video je dio Vlog serijala "Život Izvan Hrvatske"moji dojmovi o tome kakva je IRSKA:

Malo sam zabrinut dal će padat kiša sutra na polu maratonu ili ne, ali vjerojatno neće. Čak i da hoće, odtrčat ćemo ga po kiši :)
Danas sastanka u firmi, malo recap šta se događa i uskoro kreće vikend. Poslije posla idem pokupit ulaznice i papire za polu maraton koji sutra trčimo.

Prošlo je pola godine od kad sam se preselio u Irsku i trčim dosta redovito iako vrijeme nije baš najbolje tako da ćusigurno moć odtrčat ovaj polu maraton.
Sljedeće godine bi onda mogo odrtčat i cijeli maraton kao novi cilj.

U svakom slučaju je Irska ljepša dok je ljepše vrijeme pa se nadam de će i ostati ovakvo vrijeme što dulje.

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D

Borna Zuber | Back in Killarney + Early Plans for YouTube

VID 39

Borna Zuber | Back in Killarney + Early Plans for YouTube

So I'm Back in Killarney after the Business development education in Dublin, its important to keep learning and expanding bit by bit
Plans for the week and overview of the channel.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

Take a look at the jaunting cars and the horses :)

Im waiting for my colleague to pick me up before work.
Being back from the Dublin office this feels like a new Monday but its actually Thursday. We did some Business Development training in Dublin with my Business development manager and it was sales oriented and very usefull.

I drop some Goals in this video, its actually the first YouTube goal that i have or that anyone should have when starting a channel.
A 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time to become a YouTube partner-It should happen in one year so next year in July should be the end date for this goal :)

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

srijeda, 26. veljače 2020.

Plans for 2020 + Short Review of the last few Weeks | Borna Zuber

VID 223

Plans for 2020 + Short Review of the last few Weeks | Borna Zuber

At this time of the year, everyone is making plans for 2020 and their New Year's resolutions. I will tell you about some of mine and I also go over the last few weeks and give a short review.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

I won't go into all of my plans for 2020 but I will tell you some of them and i will review the last few weeks. It has been amazing to go to these conferences and I loved it.
The plan is to visit as many conferences in 2020 as possible so I really look forward to it and hope to learn a lot from it and transfer the knowledge to you all.

The other big goal and plan that I have for 2020 is to up this YouTube channel and focus more on other types of videos so I hope you will stay here and watch as we go into this journey.

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

utorak, 25. veljače 2020.

Planovi za 2020 + Kratki Osvrt na zadnjih par Tjedana | Borna Zuber

VID 222

Planovi za 2020 + Kratki Osvrt na zadnjih par Tjedana | Borna Zuber

Prije godinu dana sam se preselio u Irsku i sad kreću Planovi za 2020 i napravit ću kratki osvrt na zadnjih par tjedana.
Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Ovaj video je dio Vlog Playliste CRO VLOG na kojem su videi na Hrvatskom:

Prošlo je već godinu dana od kad sam se preselio u Irsku i naravno pričat ću vam još o svojim dojmovima o Životu u Irskoj ali za sada ću napraviti kratki osvrt na zadnjih par tjedana i neke planove za 2020 kao što je posjetiti više konferencija.

Jedan od najvećih ciljeva u 2020 je zapravo vezan za YouTube kanal i vide koje želim napraviti za vas.
O tome će bit više priče u budućim videima i evo nadam se da će te biti ovdje dok prolazimo kroz sve te priče na putu do uspjeha.

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D

ponedjeljak, 24. veljače 2020.

Viele Konferenzen in 2020 | Borna Zuber

VID 221

Viele Konferenzen in 2020 | Borna Zuber

Jeder legt Pläne und Ziele für das neue Jahr fest. Es ist ein großer Wunsch für mich, 2020 an vielen Konferenzen teilzunehmen! Ich habe nur ein Paar in 2019 besucht aber in 2020 will ich noch viel mehr Konferenzen besuchen.
Hallo allerseits, ich bin Borna Zuber und habe diesen Kanal im Juli 2019 gestartet. Dies ist also nur der Anfang. ABONNIEREN Sie sich, um den Kanal zu unterstützen und mehr coole Videos von mir zu erhalten.

Diese Video ist ein Teil der Deutschen Vlogs die ich drehe:
Vorhäriges Video:

Ich war auf ein PaarKonferenzen in 2019 und für 2020 habe ich mir vorgenommen mehr Konferenzen zu besuchen.
Mein Firma Sigmar hat eben eine Konferenz in Berlin veranstaltet und es war ein Erfolg und eine Woche früher war ich auf einer Konferenz in Dublin die sich auf Mindset fokusiert hat.
Ich glaube daran das man viel von Konferenzen lernen kann und ich werde noch viele besuchen um euch auch viele von diesen nützlichen Informationen zu übertragen.

Nochmals vielen dank das Ihr euch meine Videos ansieht. Es bedeutet mir sehr viel, dass Sie hier auf meinem YouTube-Kanal sind.
Auf jeden Fall SUBSKREIBT zu dem Channel, wenn Ihr mehr von meinen Videos sehen wollt! Wirft auch einen Blick auf andere Videos auf meine YouTube Channel die euch interessieren können, Sie sind in Paylists aufgeteilt.

Wenn Sie mehr lernen möchten bleiben Sie dran weill Wir viele Themen durchgehen werden, natürlich werde ich auch versuchen, so viel wie möglich zu lernen, mich selbst zu verbessern damit die Qualit ät immer steigt. Eine der Hauptideen des Channels ist es anderen zu helfen also wird es auch nützliche Videos geben die im Leben helfen können.

Pathway to Success Playlist: Der Weg zum Erfolg:
Und natürlich geht es bei YouTube um Menschen, die zuschauer die Beziehungen.
Wenn Sie also jemanden kennen, der sich für diese Art von Kanal interessiert, können Sie ihn gerne über mich informieren, das Video speichern und in anderen sozialen Netzwerken posten:

Instagram: zuber_borna

Linkedin: Borna Zuber

Twitter: @BornaZuber

Ich benutze sowohl Snapchat als auch Tik Tok

Und die Steem-Plattform für Mini-Blogs @BornaZuber

Ich arbeite noch an meinem BLOG:

Vielen Dank, dass Sie hier sind. Wir sehen uns im folgenden Video: D

nedjelja, 23. veljače 2020.

Lots of Conferences in 2020 | Borna Zuber

VID 220

Lots of Conferences in 2020 | Borna Zuber

2020 is close and I have a goal for 2020 to visit Lots of Conferences! I went to a few conferences last year and I discovered my love for visiting conferences so I made a decision to go to as many conferences as I can.

Hi everyone my name is Borna Zuber and I started this YouTube channel in July 2019 it’s still new so I hope you SUBSCRIBE to support the channel and get more cool videos.

This video is part of my VLOG series where I post YouTube videos in English:

In this video, I talk about the conferences I visited in the last few weeks and the conferences we have planned for next year. I work in Sigmar and we are planning to do a bunch of HR-related conferences in Germany.
I loved the ones I visited in 2019 so I decided to go to as many conferences in 2020 as I can.

In the attempt of improving myself and getting ahead in life, I will try to give you as much info as I can from the info that I gather so You benefit from the videos as well.

Thanks again for watching my videos, it really means a lot to me that you are here on my YouTube Channel And here's hoping you are curious about where this story will still go. Definitely SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more of my videos!

Throw in some light liking in passing and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave in the comments.

If you are interested in more about me I have vlogs about what I do on a daily basis, I try to learn as much as possible, improve myself, and one of the main ideas of the channel is to help others, so if we are interested, I would definitely recommend you to look Pathway to Success Playlist: The Road to Success:

And of course on YouTube it's about people, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of channel, feel free to tell him about me, save the video and feel free to post me on other social networks:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

I use both Snapchat and Tik Tok so feel free to ADD me there

And the Steemit Platform for Mini Blogs @BornaZuber

BLOG(Still Under Construction):

Thank you all for being here, see you in the following video: D

subota, 22. veljače 2020.

Puno Konferencija u 2020 | Borna Zuber

VID 219

Puno Konferencija u 2020 | Borna Zuber

Odmah nakon Božićnog sajma kreće dalje posao i ja nastavljam sa videima. Svi si određuju planove i ciljeve za Novu godinu, meni je velika želja posjetiti Puno Konferencija u 2020!
Pozdrav svima ja sam Borna Zuber i započeo sam ovaj kanal u srpnju 2019 tako da je ovo tek početak; SUBSKRAJBAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa od mene.

Ovaj video je dio Vlog Playliste CRO VLOG na kojem su videi na Hrvatskom:

U ovom se videu malo komentiram dojmove sa Božićnog sajma u Killarneyu u Irskoj, kupili smo sir i relish isto ko i prošle godine. Sir im je odličan, domaća proizvodnja, a relish je kao neki umak kojeg oni stavljaju na meso.Odlučili smo si oko Božića puno toga kuhati pa ćemo
koristiti i jedno i drugo. Nakon toga smo otišli na kavu sa jednim prijeteljem iz Killarneya.

Ja sam se nedavno vratio sa konferencije u Berlinu koji je naša firma organizirala o ljudskim resursima i bilo je odlično, bacite pogled na jednu lagnu šetnju kroz Berlin gdje malo detaljnije komentiram o toj konferenciji:

Prije te smo cura i ja bili na jednoj konferenciji u Dublinu o uspjehu u životu:

Generalno su mi konferencije postale zakon i želim ih posjetiti što više u 2020.
To mi je jedna od novogodišnjih odluka i naravno bit će tu snimanja tako da i vi možete uživati u njima i naučiti nešto iz njih, nisam još odredio teme konferencija, ali znam da će ih biti puno i da se jako veselim 2020.

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D

srijeda, 19. veljače 2020.

Borna Zuber | Vratio se iz Berlina

VID 216

Borna Zuber | Vratio se iz Berlina

Vratio sam se iz Berlina jučer nakon što sam odradio i drugu konferenciju unutar tjedan dana.
Bok ja sam Borna Zuber i dobro došli na moj YouTube kanal kojeg sam započeo na ljeto 2019. SUBSKRAJABAJTE da bi podržali kanal i dobili još cool videa! :)

Ovaj video je dio Vlog Playliste CRO VLOG na kojem su videi na Hrvatskom:

Kada sam se vratio iz Berlina krenula je opet brzinska rutina i užurbana svakodnevica, a ja sam si bio dosta umoran što se cijelog tjedna tiče pa sam se veselio vikendu da se malo odmorim.

Bio sam na dvije konferencije:
1. Dublin- Millionaire Mindset Conference:
2. Talent Summit Berlin:
Obje su bile odlične i puno sam proputovao u malo vremena.

Odluka za 2020 je ići na što više konferencija!

Hvala još jednom što gledaš moje videe, stvarno mi puno znači što si tu na mom YouTube Chennelu I evo nadam se da te zanima kuda će ova priča još ići. Definitvno SUBSKRAJBAJ ako želiš gledati još mojih videa!

U prolazu baci neki lagani Lajk I naravno ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno ostavi u komentarima.
Ako te zanima više o meni imam vlogove o tome čime se bavim na dnevnoj bazi, pokušavam naučiti što više, unaprijediti se i jedna od glavnih ideja kanala je pomoći drugima, tako da ćemo se fokusirati ina to, ako te to zanima definitivno preporučam da pogledaš Playlistu Pathway to Success tj. Put do Uspjeha:

I naravno na YouTubu se radi o ljudima, tako da ako znaš nekog a da bi ga interesirao ovakav Kanal slobodno mu reci za mene, Sheraj video I slobodno me dodaj na drugim društvenim mrežama:

FACEBOOK- POWERBALLS stranica- Prodaja Proteinskih kuglica:

INSTAGRAM: zuber_borna

LINKEDIN: Borna Zuber

TWITTER: @BornaZuber

Koristim I SNAPCHAT i TIK TOK za kraće videe

STEEMIT za mini Blogove @BornaZuber

BLOG(Under Construction):

Hvala Vam svima što ste tu,
Vidimo se u sljedećem videu :D